Remember, its your nest egg, your business and you need to protect it. Your Byrd Insurance Agent wants to focus on your ongoing success for years to come.
Workers Compensation
Workers' Compensation Insurance is coverage to protect your employees if they are injured on the job in an accident. This is a valuable coverage to help you maintain healthy employees and establish a plan to help them return to work. This coverage will pay for their medical expenses related to the work injury and lost wages for the employee that is injured in the course of doing their job. Rates vary depending on the specific classification of business you are in. So if you are an administrative person in an office all day your rate is much lower than say an automobile mechanic repairing cars or an electrical contractor who is in and out of buildings or chiller rooms all day. Workers Compensation is required in almost every state if you have employees. We offer a wide variety of companies offering flexible payment plans.

Professional Liability
Professional Liability Insurance is another over looked coverage for many industries. This is coverage for your specific industry and varies greatly in pricing and limitations depending on what profession you are in. CPA and accountants for example need Professional Liability to protect them in the course of doing their job. At Byrd Insurance Agency, we will soar above the rest to make sure we give you the best!
Business Umbrella Insurance
Excess or Umbrella Insurance coverage is very similar to the personal umbrella coverage. This Coverage extends over and above your underlying policies, giving you a larger amount of coverage per incident. This can be extended over your General Liability, Automobile Liability and your Workers Compensation coverage.
Other Business Insurance
Unique Insurance coverages that you might want to be aware of include but not limited to: